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The impact of Made To Order and why it is a true game changer

In a fashion landscape where people are confronted with a non-stop overwhelming fast fashion tsunami, we find ourselves trapped in an endless consumption marathon. The way we relate to the clothes we wear has changed quickly and dramatically. That shirt or dress, following the latest instant trend, is outdated before having worn it three times making it unattractive to wear again (the quality is generally that bad that any shape is lost after having washed it anyway) and is then left abandoned in a corner of the wardrobe, awaiting to end up in landfill. Additionally all brands end up with huge amount of clothes that never reaches any consumer, unsold stock becoming waste.

How can the made to order model change that? The made to order model for sure eradicates the production of surplus stock. Production is not based on predictions but on actual demand. But it contributes to so much more than that. From a careless (and often harmful for people and planet) supply chain, the made to order model brings respectful human relationships back into the process from longing for a garment, the making of it and consciously enjoying wearing it. Made to order garments are made per piece, from cutting the design in the ordered size and colour, to making that particular garment by a skilled person who feels responsible to create that beautiful dress, blouse, jacket or trousers.

Made to order garments come with a higher price than wholesale. The garment is made especially for you (no mass production) in a country – in our case – where wages are much higher than in fast fashion producing countries. The buyer experience is also totally different. When ordering it you probably think twice, three times before doing so: it’s a conscious choice. You also need to be patient as the process of making only starts when you have ordered the garment. Everything needs to be assembled, from pattern, to fabrics and buttons etc. and then someone cuts and make the garment. In our case we like to show you how it is made and by who. There is a sense of joy about waiting for the garment being made for you. It’s a real slow down of fashion. The slow down of fashion is reinforced by the timeless designs, inviting consumers to develop their own style free of hypes and trends.

The impact of the made to order model goes much beyond eradicating the production of surplus stock, it grows consumer-consciousness creating impactful change in how we relate to the clothes we wear and how we relate to who makes them. All contributing to buying less and making clothes last. 

Ytha Kempkes 

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